When It’s Over: Lockdown Fashion Trends That Are Here to Stay
As we emerge from lockdown, let's talk about the fashion trends that have become timeless staples. From loungewear to patterns, find out which styles will stay and which ones will go. |
This pandemic will come to an end. Eventually. When it does, we can look around and think about how it's changed our lives. Religious handwashing, face masks, and working from home look like they’ll be part of the "new normal."
What about the way we dress? Which lockdown fashion trends will the world accept? Will it be acceptable to wear the pyjama bottoms and collared shirt you wore for your video call to the office? Unlikely. (Sorry.)
But here's the good part: there's hope for the short-sleeved button-up with the peacock print that you've adopted as your unofficial "uniform."
That's not all. The relaxed way that we dress now doesn't mean the end of dressing up in your most elegant suit and tie.
No, the post-lockdown fashion trends aren't as bleak as you might imagine. Let's sit tight and talk about lockdown fashion trends that we'll enjoy when all of this is over.
Don't Think Loungewear, Think Flexible Fashion
Loungewear and activewear didn't need the pandemic to gain popularity. But the emphasis on dressing for comfort first and foremost presents a shift in people's mindset.
Throw on a clean t-shirt and sweatpants, and you're ready for your day. It won't be exactly the same when the pandemic concludes, but some level of acceptance for loungewear will remain.
People will think more about the clothes they purchase and take into account what's important for them. Fashion that's purposeful, utilitarian, and flexible will head to the top of their priorities. The shift will get people thinking about clothing they can wear to the gym, working comfortably at home, or going to the grocery store.
But don't fret, the investment in flexible loungewear doesn't mean we're going to abandon formal wear altogether. Let me explain.
STOP: Don't Say Goodbye to Your Suit and Tie
What do you miss most? I bet going out and seeing your friends is near the top of the list.
You're not alone. And when we can safely go out to a restaurant for an exquisite 7-course meal with our friends, there's no way you're wearing basketball shorts and any old polo shirt.
You're going to dress up. It's going to be an event.
When the time comes, you will reach for your tailored suit, iron your shirt, and grab that grenadine silk tie you thought you would never wear again.
If you don't own these essential items, you're going to want them. Because, again, going out will be an event. And you will want to dress like you're going to a Hollywood premiere.
Clothes That Make You Smile
Whether it's flexible fashion or formal wear, we believe people will want to wear clothes that make them comfortable and happy.
Post-lockdown fashion trends will include more prints and patterns, because well, why not?
The lockdown has been hard and painful for a lot of people. And many people are ready to have some fun and wear patterns they were shy wearing before the global pandemic.
Gratitude and enjoying yourself will come in waves when the pandemic is over. People will have the opportunity to reinvent their style to better reflect the times. They will have the license to be bold and daring! Carpe diem!
But… (There's usually a "but" isn't there?)
The Catch
Just because it makes you happy, doesn't mean it looks good. By all means, do what makes you happy and wear that bold pattern. But remember to present it in an orderly manner.
Wearing patterns is a balancing act. The louder and bolder the pattern, the more difficult it is to balance out. Choosing a subtle pattern can add that element of fun but in a digestible way.
Like patterns, wearing colours require a balance of restraint and panache. Find colours that work well together for you, and you will always be in style.
Part of having that timeless style is getting the right fit. No one will admonish you for wearing loose-fitting clothing on regular days. But for days with meetings or social events, you should always wear clothes that fit you well. Clothing that suits your frame can withstand any fashion trends that may result from this global pandemic.
We won't be throwing out all fashion rules. Following tried and tested principles will continue to transcend any post-lockdown fashion trends.
And as hard as it is to imagine right now, we will get through this pandemic. And when it's over, it will be glorious.
In the meantime, be kind, be calm, and be safe.
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