Say No to Ducks: Tie Patterns to Feature Your Charm and Sophistication
Different tie patterns send different messages. Your tie (and outfit) must send the right message to feature your best self. Choose the best tie patterns that always make the right impression. Which ones are we talking about? Keep reading to find out.
Image Credit: Say No to Ducks: Tie Patterns to Feature Your Charm and Sophistication
No, you're not looking at a magic eye poster. But at some point, you can look at so many tie patterns they all start to blend. Suddenly that tie with yellow cartoon ducks looks like a good idea. Step back. You can do better.
A tie brings charm and sophistication to a suit. It adds a touch of flair and personality. But you want to balance potency and panache to experience the benefits of wearing a tie. And ducks aren't gonna cut it.
So what will? Check out the tie patterns you should reach for in the morning.
Sharp, Stylish and Sophisticated in Stripes
Wearing stripes adds visual appeal to a suit. You'll notice a few different types of striped ties. There's the University striped tie with patterns of diagonal stripes in the same size using navy at every other stripe. There are also the American Regimental Striped Ties with stripes from the right shoulder to the left side. Finally, the British Regimental Striped Ties run from a person's left shoulder (over their heart) to their right side.

Striped tie patterns are more common in formal settings, but with the right design and colours, you can use them to add polish to your casual events. Wear a tan blazer and grey chinos with Aklasu's White Striped Emerald Green Six-Fold Tie to refine your summer office attire and make heads turn while you sit on a patio sipping an espresso.

Dance in Polka Dots

Polka dots may not be your go-to for meeting a new client. But it's an essential tie pattern you should have on hand for weddings and your casual events. A subtle pattern of polka dots looks fantastic (and fashionable) when contrasted against a solid shirt.
Give Your Outfit Some Bite with a Houndstooth Tie

If you see broken checks or four-pointed shapes, that's a houndstooth pattern. Influenced by the uneven outline of a hound dog's tooth, we associate this pattern with fashion titans like Christian Dior and Coco Chanel.
As a result, the visually arresting tie pattern exudes confidence, elegance and luxury. Wear it to more formal events or days in the office when you want to dress to impress.
Glen Plaid's Royal Refinement

Not to be confused with Houndstooth, the glen check pattern features irregular polygonal shapes that resemble Houndstooth. Tradition surrounds this pattern dating back to Scottish clans in the 1800s. But King George IV and later Edward VII, Prince of Wales, popularized the pattern.
Although the tie pattern conjures images of royal weddings, please don't feel you have to typecast it. Versions of the design, like Aklasu’s Black & White Glen Plaid Tie, work well with grey tones and soft blues. Wear it with a freshly pressed white dress shirt to create a striking contrast that leaves a regal impression.
Nothing Fishy About a Herringbone Tie

From patterns inspired by royalty, let's move on to a pattern inspired by... fish? The herringbone pattern got its name for its resemblance to the backbone of a herring, but that doesn't mean you should give this tie pattern the slip.
Herringbone suits offer unique depth and texture. But you can also wear the pattern in smaller doses. Herringbone ties provide visual interest and a subtle element that can bring your outfit together for the office and the formal or casual events on your calendar.
Don't miss more keys to pairing patterned ties in our article, Pairing Patterned Ties to Unlock Your Next Level of Sophisticated Style.
Foulard Patterns to Keep an Eye On

The Foulard is a small-scale pattern with repeating geometric shapes. They can be florals, diamonds, crosses, or (gulp) animals. Beware of these types of tie patterns. Animal designs are eye-catching—but for the wrong reasons. We suggest taking a timeless and polished route that radiates confidence.
Choose understated designs that aren't complicated or gaudy. If there's too much going on or your eye immediately darts to the tie pattern, it's a good idea to reach for another option. A tie with a subtle pattern made with the best material can be your go-to for the office and formal and casual events.
Decisions can overwhelm us every day. Choosing a tie design doesn't have to. Refine this decision with essentials that create effortless mornings.
Find more ways to take the guesswork out of looking polished in your tie. Read Good to Great: 6 Ways to Elevate a Navy Blue Suit with a Tie.